The unit must be constructed and certified in compliance with the relevant international conventions, including the MODU code as amended, MARPOL and MLC Conventions. The MLC Convention applies only to the required crew according to the minimum safe manning, when the MODU is in transfer.
The MODU must be constructed and certified in compliance with the rules of a recognised classification society.
MODU’s registered in an EU country must comply with the “EU Directive on Marine Equipment” (the “Wheel Mark Directive”) regarding certain equipment.
Equipment that is not wheel-marked is acceptable, if the DMA or the classification society finds that the equipment has a standard equivalent to that of wheel-marked equipment.
If the unit is transferred from a non-EU flag, the unit must not contain ozone-depleting substances as it is prohibited to import ozone-depleting substances into the EU (Regulation (EC) no. 2037/2000, 29 June 2000.)
Danish regulation and interpretations which are above international regulations, requirements and standards – e.g. IACS standards – are listed below.