Contact us

Main phone number

Main number for general questions to the Danish Maritime Authority: +45 72 19 60 00.

Emergency service

Report marine accidents and personal accidents

Contact the Danish Maritime Authority by telephone +45 72 19 60 00.

Aids to navigation findings

​Telephone: +45 72 19 60 40
Monday-Thursday: 9:00-16:00
Friday: 9:00-15:00

Outside office hours, please report the findings digitally

Defective aids to navigation and other dangers to navigation

Contact the officer of the watch by telephone: +45 72 19 60 40
Monday-Thursday: 9:00-16:00 (Friday: 9:00-15:00)

Outside office hours, please report the defect to the Operational Centre of the Danish Defence (MAS) by telephone: +45 72 85 03 70.

Telephone: +45 72 19 60 23 (all weekdays 9:00-15:00)


Outside office hours, please report surveys of foreign ships calling at Danish ports or passing Danish waters to the officer of the watch in the Danish Maritime Authority by telephone: +45 72 19 60 00.

Request a survey

Telephone: +45 72 19 60 09 (all weekdays 9:00-16:00) ​


The Danish Maritime Authority has two operation and maintenance centres, which purchase and maintain the buoyant aids to navigation and lights of the Danish Maritime Authority.

Opening hours:
Monday-Thursday: 8:00-15:00
Friday: 8:00-12:00

​​​Operation and maintenance centre Korsør
Lilleøvej 20
DK-4220 Korsør
Telephone: +45 72 19 60 05

Operation and maintenance centre Grenå
Ndr. Kajgade 1
DK-8500 Grenå
Telephone: +45 72 19 60 10 

Surveys in Denmark:

Telephone: +45 72 19 60 08  (all weekdays 9:00-15:00)

Surveys in Greenland: Survey Centre Nuuk

​Telephone: +299 32 54 44 (all weekdays local time 9:00-15:00, which corresponds to Danish time 13:00-19:00)

Danish Maritime Authority

​Caspar Brands Plads 9
4220 Korsør
+45 72 19 60 00

Opening hours



Caspar Brands Plads 9

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