Hiring out a recreational craft

You can hire out or share your private recreational craft with others. The same rules on equipment and arrangement apply irrespective of whether you have hired or own the recreational craft.

The master is always responsible for meeting the equipment and safety requirements on board a recreational craft, but you must - as the person hiring out the craft - always ensure that the craft and the gear are in working order before you loan or hire it out.

If you choose to hire out a recreational craft to private persons, you must comply with specific rules. These rules have been developed for the safety of the users, but also to take account of your risk of being held responsible for accidents.

  • Before you rent or hire out a private recreational craft, you should consult www.soesport.dk (in Danish) for guidance on safe navigation.
  • When you, as a private person, hire out your own recreational craft (only the craft, i.e. without any crew or master), you must meet the same requirements for equipment as when you are mastering the craft yourself. This includes, inter alia, a requirement to have a suitable number of lifejackets on board for all passengers in correct sizes. Read all the equipment requirements here.
  • The safety requirements for gas systems on board must be met. These are harmonised with the safety requirements for similar systems ashore and for vessels approved under the EU directive on recreational craft. See the requirements of the directive here - specifically Annex I, paragraph 5.5.


Seafarers, Certification and Social Affairs