FAQ - providers, censors and exams

​​​In Denmark, you are not required to attend specific training in order to register for an exam to acquire a certificate for recreational sailing. However, many sailing schools, course providers, evening classes and sailing clubs offer training and courses that will prepare you for the exam.

Previously, the Danish Maritime Authority has had a corps of censors who will visit sailing schools, course providers, evening classes and sailing clubs intending to facilitate exams.

Approved providers have assumed the task of authorising censors for exams for recreational sailors. Therefore, you must contact an approved provider if you want to register for or facilitate exams for recreational sailors.

Approved providers will also issue specific types of certificates for recreational sailors.

The regulations and framework will naturally give rise to a number of questions. Here, we present some of the more general questions asked and provide answers. If you cannot find an answer to your questions here, please contact us.

Frequently Asked Questions

The role of the censor is first and foremost to ensure that the facilitation of the exams is in accordance with the regulations laid down and that the level meets the requirements made by the Danish Maritime Authority. 

As a censor associated with an approved provider of exams for recreational sailors, you should be aware that the approved provider is responsible for the arrangement of a system in which the censor is included and that, consequently, tasks may be associated with being a censor of the approved provider other than those experienced as a censor of the Danish Maritime Authority.

The Danish Maritime Authority has not laid down any requirements on your preparations for an exam. Consequently, we have not laid down any requirements for those who teach recreational sailors prior to an exam. If you are a teacher and are, for example, affiliated with a sailing school or an adult education association that offers preparatory training for exams for recreational sailors, you should be aware of the requirements that may be made by approved providers of exams for recreational sailors.

You can read more about approved providers and see who has been approved here..

​You should contact one of the providers of exams for recreational sailors approved by the Danish Maritime Authority and request to be authorised as a censor for inclusion in their corps of censors.

You can find You can find a list of approved providers here.

You must register for an exam which is arranged by an approved provider of exams for recreational sailors in the presence of one of their censors.

You can also in the future use the various training and courses offered by sailing schools, course providers, etc. and have them arrange the exam.

​You must forward an application to the Danish Maritime Authority.

Interested organisations within the field of recreational sailing who would like to know more about this possibility can read the Danish Maritime Authority's guidelines for applications as providers of tests and certificates.

Upon application, the Danish Maritime Authority authorizes organizations to handle the administration of recreational sailing exams and the issuing of recreational sailor certificates.

The requirements set by the Danish Maritime Authority for an organization to be approved as a provider of exams follow from the agency's executive order on exams and certificates for recreational sailors. It also states which tasks a provider must carry out and what an approval includes. It is, among other things, management of the quality system and appointment of censors.

Matters surrounding insurance, including who must bear the costs for this, are not part of the Danish Maritime Authority's area of ​​competence, and are not part of the agency's regulation in relation to providers. It is an inter partes relationship between the censor and the exam provider, who must therefore clarify matters themselves.