Ship registration and fees

​Danish ships must be registered in the Register of Shipping, the Danish International Register of Shipping or the Boat Register. On the underlying pages, you can find information about the registration of ships and interests in ships. You can also find information about fees and look up ships in the ship registers.

Document requirements for ship registration

A number of documents are required to register a ship in the Danish ship registers.

Document requirements for ship registration 
Who can sign forms

Change of ownership

When a ship registered in a Danish ship register changes owner, this must be notified to the Register of Shipping. Similarly, if the ship is to be deleted from a Danish ship register, this must be notified.

Change of ownership

Power of attorney

All documents submitted to the Register of Shipping for registration must be signed by the person entitled to act (sign) in relation to the interest which the document concerns, for example ownership interests.

Power of attorney

The Danish Ship Registers

Danish ships are registered in either The Register of Shipping (DAS), The Danish International Register of Shipping (DIS), or The Boat Register (FTJ).

The Danish Ship Registers 
Pleasure craft under 20 GT

Deletion of a ship, when and how?

Read about the different reasons why a registered ship must/can be deleted from a Danish ship register.

Deletion of a ship, when and how?

Search the ship registers

If you need information on a specific ship – for example regarding ownership or mortgages – you can find it by searching the ship registers.

Search the ship registers

Foreign owner

The Danish registers are not open registers and there is a requirement of a genuine connection to Denmark through economic activity in Denmark relating to the ships.

Foreign owner

Yearly fee

An annual fee is payable for ships registered in a Danish ship register. The fee helps finance the authorities’ tasks and services related to ships flying the Danish flag.

Yearly fee 

Ship Register rules

Legislation of relevance to the Register of Shipping.

Ship Register rules


Even if you are a private individual registering a ship, you still have to register as a company and use the relevant application for registration.


Guides - Digital Ship Register

Here you can fine guides for the Digital Ship Register.

Guides - Digital Ship Register