Study on bullying and harassment

All seafarers on Danish flagged ships will receive an invitation to participate in a survey to shed light on the working conditions onboard Danish ships.

It must be safe and secure for all seafarers to go to work. The University of Southern Denmark are therefore carrying out a study on bullying and harassment on Danish flagged ships. The study will provide an overview of the current extent of bullying and harassment and this will help identify whether there is a need for further efforts.

You can find the terms of reference for the study here (Unfortunately, it is only available in Danish)

A final report will be available on the Ministry of Industry, Business and Financial Affairs’ website mid-2023.

Study on bullying and harassment

All seafarers on Danish flagged ships are invited to fill in an online questionnaire. The seafarers will receive the invitation from their employer. The answers are anonymous. The deadline is 31 March 2023.

The University of Southern Denmark has made a small video about the study. Take a closer look here:


All seafarers on Danish flagged ships are also invited to take part in an interview – either online or in person – to share their experience. Participation is anonymous. Please contact Senior Researcher, Lisa Loloma Froholdt via e-mail if interested in participating in an interview.

The University of Southern Denmark has made a small video about the possibility of participating in an interview. Take a closer look here:


Yes, the questionnaire is set up so that it can be answered from tablets and smartphones.

The GDPR regulations do not prevent you from sending out the questionnaire to your employees. The employees' answers are sent directly to the University of Southern Denmark, and therefore you will neither use nor collect more personal data than you already have access to.

Due to the need to protect your employee’s anonymity, we ask you to send the same email with a link to the questionnaire to all employees. This way it will not be possible to gain access to the employees' individual responses.

Unfortunately, it will not be possible to download the questionnaire.

Unfortunately, this is not possible. You are recommended to reply the questionnaire when you have a stable internet connection.


Danish Maritime Authority