Souvenir retrieval

Only in special cases, are permits granted to remove objects from wrecks that are protected under the museum act. The act covers all wrecks that have foundered more than 100 years ago or wrecks that the Agency for Culture and Palaces has found to be of special historic interest.

If we assess that diving operations will be an inconvenience to ship traffic (such as ships' routes, channels, etc.), you cannot be permitted to collect souvenirs

We will not grant permits to retrieve souvenirs from wrecks for which a salvage or souvenir retrieval permit has already been granted to another party.

Permits to retrieve souvenirs are granted for a specific period of time, which will, only in exceptional cases, exceed one year.

Objects that you have fished up must not be put up for sale.

Permits to retrieve souvenirs must not be transferred to others in any form without a written permit from the Danish Maritime Authority. 

Applications for retrieving souvenirs

An application to retrieve souvenirs must be forwarded to the Danish Maritime Authority on

It must have reached us no later than six weeks before the planned start of the souvenir retrieval.

When you apply for a permit to retrieve souvenirs, your application must contain the following information:

  • Applicant: Name, address, company/division, postal code, city, email and telephone number.
  • Club/organisation: If the application is forwarded on behalf of a club or an organisation, you must state the name of the diving club or organisation on whose behalf the application is made. You must also give the address and any contact details.
  • Position of wreck given in geographical coordinates (degrees, minutes and decimal minutes) with an indication of the datum to which the position refers (WGS84/ED50) if known.
  • The purpose of the retrieval and where it is planned to store/exhibit the souvenir retrieved.
  • A description of the wreck, its state and surroundings. This must contain information about the depth on the seabed, the depth above the wreck, the length of the wreck, the width and height above the seabed, the name of the ship, the type of ship, hull material, cargo, etc. as well as an assessment of how long the wreck has been lying on the seabed.
  • Source: Description of the sources from which the information originates. In addition, you must state whether you have investigated the wreck and the date of this investigation.
  • Declaration by the owner: If the owner of the wreck is known, you must enclose a declaration by the owner that he has no objections to the retrieval of souvenirs from the wreck.


Safety of Navigation, National Waters (ministry of resilience and preparedness)