Recruitment and placement

​​​When the Maritime Labour Convention (MLC) became effective on 20 August 2013, it became possible to operate a private recruitment and placement service in Denmark.

You are permitted to operate a private recruitment and placement service in Denmark only if you have been certified by the Danish Maritime Authority before starting up the service. The certification has a validity of up to five years and can be withdrawn, for example in case of violations of the conditions of the certification or in case of bankruptcy.

What is recruitment and placement?

A recruitment and placement service is a private person, a company or the like that is engaged in recruitment as authorised on behalf of somebody else and/or placement of seafarers for work on board ships (however, not on board fishing vessels).

Recruitment means that a company has been authorised by somebody else, in general a shipowner, to conclude an employment contract with a seafarer. So, the employment agreement is concluded between the seafarer and the shipowner, and the shipowner - not the recruitment service - pays the seafarer's wages and attends to any other conditions of employment.

Placement means that contact is established between a specific seafarer without employment and an employer who has a vacant position on board a ship with a view to the seafarer working on board the ship.

On the other hand, there is no need to be certified as a recruitment and placement service if the employee remains an employee of the company that has recruited him/her irrespective of whether the one concerned is not, at the same time, a shipowner and the work is consequently performed for a third party that is a shipownher.

Certified recruitment and placement services in Denmark

The Danish Maritime Authority has certified the following recruitment and placement services that are established in Denmark:


​CVR no.

​Certificate no.


​CVR no.: 32475973 and CVR no.: 26866170


​OSM Crew Management Denmark ApS

CVR no.: 37030961


Diana Corell Yachts

CVR 42277010


Maraship Crewing ApS

CVR no.: 32340962



How do you become certified?

Before starting up business as a private recruitment and placement service, you must be certified by the Danish Maritime Authority.

Applications for certification can be submitted by email to Applications must contain the following information:

  • Name, address and CVR no., if relevant. For private persons the CPR no. must be given.
  • Contact person at the company, including email and direct telephone no.
  • When the company is expected to start in business.

The Danish Maritime Authority will contact applicants as soon as possible about the ongoing process. Often, the Danish Maritime Authority will initially forward a questionnaire to be answered within a given deadline. Then, the Danish Maritime Authority will scrutinize the questionnaire and follow up with a visit to the company.

If you are certified, you will be issued with a certificate with a validity of up to five years. You are responsible for renewing your certificate before its expiry. This is done by submitting an application for certification as described above.

Payment for certification

The Danish Maritime Authority requests a fee for its work in connection with the certification. The price is DKK 21,058, which also covers any inspections during the validity of the certificate.

What to do if you are not a recruitment or placement service?

It is not possible to be certified by the Danish Maritime Authority if you do not intend to offer recruitment and placement services. The Danish Maritime Authority can issue a declaration to this effect to the company. Requests for such declarations can be submitted by email to​.


Seafarers, Certification and Social Affairs