Passage lines

Kort over passagelinjerne i danske farvande

A passage line is a line between two points, marking the boundary between two sections of water. The number of ships passing these lines is computed by means of statistics.

The charts below show the passage lines used in the statistics in the tables. The tables show the annual number of passengers for all ships, distributed according to their direction of passage

​Number of recorded passages by ships fitted with AIS in 2023

​Number of recorded passages by ships fitted with AIS in 2022

​Number of recorded passages by ships fitted with AIS in 2021

​Number of recorded passages by ships fitted with AIS in 2020

​Number of recorded passages by ships fitted with AIS in 2019

​Number of recorded passages by ships fitted with AIS in 2018

​Number of recorded passages by ships fitted with AIS in 2017

​Number of recorded passages by ships fitted with AIS in 2016

​ ​Number of recorded passages by ships fitted with AIS in 2015


IT Operations and Development